An online course by Steven Brooke

Explore the world of architectural photography and embark on a captivating journey through the lens of composition. "Fundamentals of Architectural Photography & Composition" is a comprehensive online course that delves into the art of capturing stunning architectural wonders and creating visually compelling compositions.

Over 8 hours of lessons and content - Enroll today!

In this course, you will learn about the history of the documentation of architectural photography, equipment basics, how to set up your camera, the rules of composition, systems of proportion, how to set up in the field, post-production techniques, the business of architectural photography and much, much more!

Throughout this course, you will learn my essential techniques, principles, and creative strategies required to elevate your architectural photography to new heights. Whether you are a budding enthusiast or an aspiring professional, this course caters to photographers of all levels, offering a well-rounded approach to enhance your skills and artistic vision.

Everything you need to know to produce professional architectural photographs!

Join me in this transformative online course and unveil the magic of architectural photography and composition. Unleash your creativity, refine your technical prowess, and capture the awe-inspiring beauty of architectural masterpieces like never before. Get ready to embark on a visually enriching and rewarding adventure that will forever elevate your photography skills. Enroll now and let your lens paint a mesmerizing tale of architectural splendor!

Enroll now!